“the trunk & beyond”

Typically, trees are valued by their logs, due to their strengths and aesthetic appeal. By analyzing the trees beyond their trunks, a whole host of new material expressions can be derived from parts that are commonly ignored or seen as less valuable.


These residual materials which includes:
bark, leaves, sawdust, pine needles, resin and off-cuts are regarded as the protagonist rather than waste. They therefore becomes the catalysts and the base parameters that defines our products.

“the trunk & beyond”

Typically, trees are valued by their logs, due to their strengths and aesthetic appeal. By analyzing the trees beyond their trunks, a whole host of new material expressions can be derived from parts that are commonly ignored or seen as less valuable.

These residual materials which includes:
bark, leaves, sawdust, pine needles, resin and off-cuts are regarded as the protagonist rather than waste. They therefore becomes the catalysts and the base parameters that defines our products.

At re-claim, we aim to enhance the value chain in the timber and forest industry. Rather than burning the wood residues as "green energy," we advocate for reclaiming these valuable resources.

Our focus is on transforming them into innovative construction materials. By reintegrating these materials back into the architectural landscape, we’re poised to reshape the way the industry perceives them and usher in a new era of resource-efficient construction.


of conifers are burned after harvesting


of deciduous are burned after harvesting


of log input left as wood residue

(through initial processing)

Material Compositing

Residue composites provide more efficient resource utilization, and unique performance benefits. Creating residue composites is vital for modern construction to meet environmental goals simoutaniously enhancing resource management.

We aim to provide manufacturers with effective and practical resource management and reimagined commercially attractive solutions.

We facilitate the transition for builders to substitute planet-harming materials with 100% plant-based, alternatives. By assisting both companies and consumers in making sustainable choices in production and consumption, our aim is to ensure the preservation of a thriving planet with a sustainable ecosystem for future generations.

Want to know more?




Gebauersgade 2

8000, Aarhus C, Denmark

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